Policies / Our Promises and Agreements

Data Protection Impact Assessment - TeamKinetic Example

last updated: 19 April 2023

This template is an example of how you can record your DPIA process and outcome. It follows the process set out in our DPIA guidance, and should be read alongside that guidance and the Criteria for an acceptable DPIA set out in European guidelines on DPIAs.

You should start to fill out the template at the start of any major project involving the use of personal data, or if you are making a significant change to an existing process. The final outcomes should be integrated back into your project plan.

Step 1: Identify the need for a DPIA

The aim of this project is to broker a relationship between people who need volunteers and people who want to volunteer. This relationship is facilitated via TeamKinetic’s Volunteer management system.

This DPIA is required as personal data is collected and shared via the application to ensure the safe brokerage and management of volunteers.

Some of the data captured falls into the special categories and some profiling is undertaken by the service

  • In many cases, you also need an ‘appropriate policy document’ in place in order to meet a UK Schedule 1 condition for processing in the DPA 2018.

TeamKinetic acts as Data Processor on behalf of the Customer

Step 2: Describe the processing

Describe the nature of the processing

How TeamKinetic data will be collected;

Volunteers submit their own data, via the online submission form

The data collection is undertaken via SSL secured web form and SSL secured API in the case of native applications.

How TeamKinetic store your data;

All data is stored in fully secured hosted servers in the UK.

A full list of server centre accreditations can be found here. Data at rest is encrypted using AES-256 symmetric encryption.

Data deletion is agreed in accordance with the data controller

TeamKinetic and third parties;

TeamKinetic do not use sub-processors. No data is shared with third parties

Describe the scope of the processing

How TeamKinetic data will be processed

The following categories of Personal Data may be processed

  • Name,
  • Address,
  • DOB,
  • Contact Number
  • Ethnicity - This is optional for each client. Most collect this as it forms part of their evaluation as to are they offering a representative service. It’s not mandatory.
  • Gender
  • Health information
  • Criminal records information – This is mitigated by DBS checks which when collected only include DBS number and relevant ID
  • All data is stored in fully secured hosted servers in Milton Keynes & London UK.
  • The data will be used to provide services to enable volunteering. It will not be used for any third party or external services.
  • In addition, personal data is combined with behavioural and historical data sets to provide analytics and reporting to administrative users.
  • Private Data will NOT be matched with any other Personal Data otherwise obtained by the Data Controller, or any other source, unless specifically authorised in writing by the Data Controller.

The data controller will determine the following:

  • How much data will you be collecting and using
  • How often
  • How long will you keep it
  • How many individuals are affected
  • What geographical area does it covers

Describe the context of the processing

TeamKinetic receive data directly from the data subject and act as Data Processor on behalf of our customers for the management of volunteers with the following agreement in place

Volunteers would expect us to use this information in this way in accordance with the Data Controllers privacy policy, and terms and conditions of registering an account.

Should the Data Controller not have a Privacy Policy, it will default to the generic TeamKinetic privacy policy.

The Data Processing policy constitutes a data processing agreement between the Customer (The Data Controller) and the supplier TeamKinetic Ltd (Data Processor)

Team Kinetic have undergone the following accreditation:

NHS Level 2 Information Governance Tool Kit

Cyber Essential registered

All our UK data centres are ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301 and PCI DSS compliant.

Registered with the ICO as a data processor

Any user has the right of erasure and can request to have their data removed once they are logged in and authenticated. Live data is immediately removed, backup data takes 30 days to be removed.

Describe the purpose of the processing

What is the purpose for TeamKinetic processing your data; 

Data processing is performed to enable volunteers to access, find and join volunteering opportunities and to provide the services required to enable this.

Outcomes include but are not limited to;

Increased recruitment, retention and reward of volunteers and the development of insight regarding the volunteer audience and motivations, actions and experiences.

Step 3: Consultation process

Consider how to consult with relevant stakeholders:

TeamKinetic is provided as Software as a Service (SaaS) and we do not anticipate requiring talking to stakeholders as the product features are already defined.

We will assign a single account and support manager for each customer. They will be the only members of our organisation with access to customer data. These members of staff will have been made aware and trained in the relevant GDPR policies.

We do not have any further sub data processors but act on instructions from our customer the data controller, about what data we collect and how we use it.

Our data servers are routinely audited by independent expert penetration tests

Step 4: Assess necessity and proportionality

Describe compliance and proportionality measures

The lawful basis for this processing is Consent, unless otherwise stated by the data controller example- Legal requirement to collect health data for health and safety purposes.

The processing of Special category data requires explicit consent

Data usage and policies are clearly communicated during registration and positive consent is required by all users.

Volunteers provide consent at the point at which they register to use the system or if the data policy is amended. It is not practical to continually request consent from volunteers, but volunteers who become inactive can be removed by the Data Controller (South Ayrshire Council) at their discretion.

Consent for marketing will be dealt with under the volunteer sign up.

Data subjects can exercise their rights via the Data Controller (South Ayrshire Council)

Data enrichment is not performed on any volunteer's data.

We store all data at rest and in transit in UK data hubs encrypted. We do not make data transfers to any other geographical location or to any other data processors.

Step 5: Identify and assess risks

PR#Privacy IssueRisk to IndividualsCompliance RiskCorporate Risk
PR001Catastrophic Data loss Person data breach could cause various risks to individuals Unlawful loss or destruction of data poses a GDPR/data protection riskFine by the regional regulators


Reputational damage /monetary loss

PR002Theft or cyber attackPerson data breach could cause various risks to individuals Unlawful loss or destruction of data poses a GDPR/data protection riskFine by the regional regulators


Reputational damage /monetary loss

PR0033rd party service failureRisk of Personal data breaches- deliberate or accidental action (or inaction) by a controller or processor.In breach of Art. 5 GDPR principle (a) processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject (‘lawfulness, fairness and transparency’);Fine by the regional regulators


Reputational damage /monetary loss

PR004Personal data retained for longer than necessaryPerson data breach could cause various risks to individualsIn breach of Art. 5 GDPR principle (e) of the GDPR storage limitation Fine by the regional regulators


Reputational damage /monetary loss

PR005Disclosure of personal data to unauthorised persons or agenciesPerson data breach could cause various risks to individualsUnlawful loss or destruction of data poses a GDPR/data protection riskFine by the regional regulators


Reputational damage /monetary loss

PR#LikelihoodImpactOverall risk
PR001Unlikely /lowMediumGREEN
PR002Unlikely /lowMediumAMBER
PR003Unlikely /lowHIGHAMBER
PR004Unlikely /lowLowGREEN
PR005Unlikely /lowLowGREEN

Step 6: Identify Measures to Reduce Risk

Describe the actions you could take to reduce the risks

PR#Risk ScoreOptions to reduce or eliminate riskEffect on riskResidual riskMeasure approved
PR001GREENSee our Data Asset Protection and Resilience PolicyAcceptedGREENYes/no
PR002GREENSee our Operational Security of Services PolicyAcceptedGREENYes/no
PR003AMBERSee our Information Governance Policy regarding 3rd party services.AcceptedAMBERYes/no
PR004GREENData Controllers have the ability to delete their data in the application in accordance with their own policies and procedures. Our Data Resilience and Asset Protection policy outlines our deletion and back up process.AcceptedGREENYes/no
PR005GREENOur Privacy and Data policy clearly outlines the conditions under which we can share data.AcceptedGREENYes/no

Step 7: Sign off and record outcomes

Item Name/dateNotes
Measures approved by: Integrate actions back into project plan, with date and responsibility for completion
Residual risks approved by: If accepting any residual high risk, consult the ICO before going ahead
DPO advice provided: DPO should advise on compliance, step 6 measures and whether processing can proceed
Summary of DPO advice:
DPO advice accepted or overruled by: If overruled, you must explain your reasons
Consultation responses reviewed by: If your decision departs from individuals’ views, you must explain your reasons
This DPIA will kept under review by: The DPO should also review ongoing compliance with DPIA

Likelihood Descriptors

The following provides some guidance as how to determine the likelihood of a compromise (resulting in any of the impact categories) occurring:

Low (Rare/Unlikely) - less than 25% chance of a compromise occurring within the next 3 years

Medium (Possible/Likely) – between 25% and 75% chance of a compromise occurring in the next 3 years

High (Highly Likely/Certain) – a 75%+ chance of a compromise occurring in the coming year

Risk Matrix (3x3)

The risk matrix combines the HIGHEST identified impact severity with the likelihood score occurring to determine the overall risk level.

3x3 Matrix    
Impact Severity     
Low1L = 1L = 2M=3
Multiplier112 3

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M14 7HR

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